The Coffee & Book Game

I saw this game on Reading in the Wildwood. The game is that you name a book based on the description of the coffee drink. I thought it looked like fun because I can’t resist talking books.

Plus coffee.

As a side note, this blog game has been around for a while. I added some prompts I saw from older posts, but I opted not to tag anyone (the original game is called “Coffee Book Tag” and you’re supposed to tag other bloggers to play along).

So without further ado, my coffee & book pairings.


Name a book series that’s tough to get into but has hardcore fans.

A Song of Ice and Fire, otherwise known as Game of Thrones, by George R.R. Martin.

This series should be right up my alley because fantasy is my primary favorite genre. But as many times as I picked up book one, I simply could not get into it. I’ve had numerous GoT fans tell me to read it. And several have said that it’s easier to read after watching the HBO adaptation, but at this point, I’ve decided to pass.

Peppermint Mocha

Name a book that gets more popular during winter or a festive time of year.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas. C’mon, you know you watch it every year. Who doesn’t love to listen to lovely bass voice of Thurl Ravenscroft sing “You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch” and also Boris Karloff as the Grinch?

Then again, I also love the newest adaptation with Benedict Cumberbatch as the voice of the Grinch. Because Benedict.

Hot Chocolate

Name your favorite children’s book.

A few of my children's books.

This is super tough for me because there are so many wonderful children’s books. And y’all should know my thoughts on naming a favorite book.

And there are so many fantastic authors: Kate DiCamillo, Roald Dahl, Beverly Cleary, Dr. Seuss, Maurice Sendak, Neil Gaiman, P.L. Travers, A.A. Milne, Shel Silverstein, Michael Bond, Stan & Jan Berenstain . . .

See where I’m going with this?

It’s nearly impossible to choose just one fave.

Some of these authors I read in childhood. Some I discovered as an adult. And I still love them all. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel bad for reading (or owning) so-called “children’s” books. Some of the world’s BEST stories are found in these books. (This also goes for graphic novels, comic books, manga, anime, or any other kind of written material.)

READ WHAT YOU LIKE! Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for what you enjoy reading.

But if I have to pick just one children’s book, it’s Alexander and the Magic Mouse by Martha Sanders and illustrated by Philippe Fix. This is one of the many wonderful books I read as a child that stuck with me.

Sadly, it is out of print, but it’s a lovely story about an Old Lady, an alligator named Alexander, a magical mouse, a town, and several other talking animals. The illustrations are beautiful and the story appealed to me when I was little mainly because of the animals. (Who didn’t want a pet alligator when they were little? No one? Really? Only me?)

I was lucky enough to track down a good quality used copy and I reread it every once in a while as I still love this story.

Double Shot of Espresso

Name a book that kept you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

The Wolves at the Door by Judith Pearson. I just finished this one and WOW! What a story. It’s the true story of Virginia Hall, a female spy during WWII who was honored with the highest civilian honors by the governments of 3 countries. The book reads like a spy thriller, but it’s a true story. Ah-mazing!


Name a book you see everywhere.

Most recently, Daisy Jones and the Six. I haven’t read it (yet), but I see it everywhere.


Give a book by an indie author a shout out.

The Alex Harbinger, P.I. series by Adam J. Wright.

I happened to stumble across this series while browsing on Kindle. The series currently has 9 books, and while each book is relatively short (approx. 225 Kindle pages), they are an action-packed paranormal urban fantasy. I read all 9 and enjoyed them.

Some people may knock Amazon, but it has given indie authors a platform. I probably never would have discovered this book if not for my Kindle Unlimited subscription.

Oops! Accidentally Got Decaf

Name a book you expected more from.

Magic for Liars—so disappointed.

And that’s all I’ll say about that.

The Perfect Blend

Name a book that was both bitter and sweet but ultimately satisfying.

Things You Save in a Fire by Katherine Center. I wanted to both throttle and hug the MC, Cassie Hanwell. But I ultimately liked the ending.

Green Tea

Name a book that is quietly beautiful.

Remembrance by Rita Woods.

I won this in a BookishFirst raffle, so it was an ARC (advance reader copy). I was immediately sucked into this story. Primarily historical fiction, this book has a bit of magical realism, which is not normally associated with historical fiction. But the magical realism aspect fit beautifully with the peoples and the timeframes described. It’s beautifully written.

And if you’re a booknerd, then you should join BookishFirst. There are raffles to win new books, read excerpts, and earn points by writing reviews. When you earn enough points, you can get a free book. Use my referral code, a6818616a3d463e80, and we’ll each earn bonus points when you create your free account.

Chia Tea

Name a book that made you dream of far off places.

Leia: Princess of Alderaan by Claudia Grey. Who hasn’t wanted to visit Alderaan (before the Death Star blew it up obviously). Plus, just the whole idea of traveling through space visiting new worlds.

I love the cover under the dust jacket.

Earl Grey

Name your favorite classic.

Another tough question, but I’ll go with Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

I’m a sucker for a good romance with strong female lead (who loves to read). Plus Colin Firth AND Matthew MacFayden have both played Mr. Darcy. Yum.

I have the edition illustrated by Hugh Thomson.

Alright coffeeholics!

How do you take your coffee? Or do you prefer tea?

Tell me your beverage of choice with a paired book in the comments below. Or copy the prompts and answer on your blog.

*All links in this post are affiliate links, which means I may make a very small amount of money if you use my link to purchase the linked book. For more info on affiliate links, please see my Terms of Use.

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